Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid, ora disponibile la versione 1.2.0 sui Nintendo Switch europei

Poche ore fa è stato pubblicato un nuovo aggiornamento per Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, ora alla versione 1.2.0 sui Nintendo Switch europei.

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid si arricchirà della presenza di personaggi DLC gratuiti col primo aggiornamento, tra questi Udonna, Dragon Armor Trini e il Cenozoic Blue Ranger.

La nota serie ventennale di Saban, è approdata per la prima volta con la sua trasparizione videoludica sull’ibrida di Nintendo il 26 marzo 2019.

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid sembrerebbe presentare delle nuove meccaniche nel Battle System, oltre diversi set di mosse utilizzabili da ogni personaggio.

Non solo, nWay, lo sviluppatore del titolo, si sta affidando anche a dei pro gamer nei fighting game, come Justin Wong, in modo da aiutare lo sviluppo del gioco sul bilanciamento dei personaggi e di conseguenza ad un possibile competitivo.

Potete trovare nel informazioni sui contenuti introdotti ed un video di seguito.

Story Mode

Gamers can now play through an epic storyline written and voice directed by writer/director Kyle Higgins (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Shattered Grid, Nightwing, Batman: Gates of Gotham). The mode also features original artwork by Eisner Award-winning illustrator Dan Mora (Go Go Power Rangers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Klaus). In this new mode, players experience a re-imagining of the critically acclaimed Shattered Grid event from Boom! Studios’ Power Rangers comic book series. When Lord Drakkon, an evil alternate version of Tommy Oliver, sets off a massive campaign across time and space to destroy all Power Rangers, they must band together and fight back, before all of existence falls to his armies.

New Voiceovers by Original Cast

The new content includes story and combat voiceovers performed by original Power Rangers cast members, including Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver), Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott), David J. Fielding (Zordon), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar) and Meghan “Strawburry17” Camarena (Kimberly).

New Characters

Three new characters enter the world of Battle for the Grid:

● Dragon Armor Trini: When the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were viciously attacked by the Black Dragon, a powerful Zord from another dimension with the capability to warp Ranger powers, they were in for the fight of their lives. After he was defeated, Trini was able to refashion the Zord into a powerful suit of enhanced armor.

● Udonna: Udonna is a powerful sorceress who trains the Mystic Force Power Rangers in the art of magic. As the Mystic Force White Ranger, this accomplished sorceress uses the power of snow to freeze evil.

● Cenozoic Blue Ranger: The Cenozoic Blue Ranger was a loyal and powerful soldier who served with Zordon, the original Red Ranger. Eons after his tragic demise at the hands of the traitorous Green Ranger Rita Repulsa, his Power Coin was found by a teenager named Billy Cranston, who then took on the Blue Ranger mantle.

New Arenas

Four new battle arenas:

● Selectable Arenas: Corinth and Planet Earth: Cenozoic Era

● Non-Selectable Arenas (Story Mode only): Command Center (Malfunctioning) and Lord Drakkon’s Throne Room (Flashback)

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